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Our Services

Whatever the type of client, the advice process is made up of a number of steps:

  1. Understanding Your Needs

    If we are to provide you with meaningful advice, it is essential that we understand your situation as thoroughly as possible. In order to do this, we will need full details of your current circumstances.

    At this fact gathering stage, we will discuss your needs, aspirations, time horizon, risk profile and budget. Where necessary and at your request, we will liaise with your other professional advisers, such as your accountant or solicitor to ensure that our advice is in harmony with the advice you receive from them.

    The initial meeting with all clients is without charge or obligation. We normally ask that this takes place in our offices, either Chelmsford or Romford, but we will try to accommodate clients wherever possible.

  2. Researching the Options

    Using the information you have provided, we then conduct research into available solutions. Because our advice is fee based, we are not limited to only considering solutions that involve a product sale, that in turn generates a commission - our advice is, therefore, genuinely impartial and comprehensive.

    There are thousands of products available from hundreds of product providers - our research is designed to find the best solution for your particular needs.

  3. Reporting to You

    Once we have determined the most appropriate course of action, we will then put our recommendations to you in writing, usually in conjunction with a face to face meeting, so that you are given the opportunity to fully understand the advice being offered. This may seem obvious, but the majority of the financial advisers will only confirm their recommendations after you have acted upon them - in our view this is too late.

    We invest a great deal of time and effort in producing your report. It is designed to summarise your circumstances as we understand them, outline your needs and risk profile and make recommendations that we consider to be the most appropriate for you.

  4. Implementing the Recommendations

    Once your report is ready, we prefer to sit down and discuss its contents with you to ensure that you have a chance to ask any questions that may arise. When you have agreed our recommendations, we will give full assistance in putting them into place. This includes completing applications forms and providing you with all the necessary paperwork.

  5. Future Reviews

    At The Broughton Wilkins Partnership, we strongly believe that the establishment of a financial planning strategy does not represent the conclusion of a transaction but rather the beginning of a long term relationship. It is extremely important that arrangements are kept under review to ensure that they continue to meet your objectives. To this end, we recommend that you review them annually.

We pride ourselves on the service and advice that we provide to our clients.

9:00 am on Saturday, 27th July, 2024

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