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Private Clients

Whilst we offer advice covering most areas of financial planning, the main areas of advice that we provide for Private Clients include:

Investment Planning

We can provide a full portfolio planning service whether your objective is income, capital growth or a combination of the two. Our advice takes into account your tax position and individual circumstances and, of course, your attitude towards risk.

At all times our advice is impartial. Whether you are looking to establish an investment portfolio from scratch or are looking for ongoing advice on an existing portfolio of investments, we would be happy to discuss how we can help you.

Investments that we advise on include the following:

  • Deposit accounts including cash ISAs
  • National Savings
  • Guaranteed Investments - for income or growth
  • Individual Savings Accounts
  • Structured Products
  • OEICs, Unit and Investment Trusts
  • Insurance Company Investment Bonds
  • Collective Investment Management Services
  • Stockbroking Services
  • Offshore Investments

Retirement Planning

Whether you are just starting to plan for your retirement, are at the midpoint of your retirement planning or are considering the most effective way of taking your retirement benefits, we can provide a comprehensive planning service that will determine where you are now, where you aim to get to and how best to achieve your objectives.

Contact us to discuss any of the following:

  • Income Drawdown
  • Personal Pension Plans
  • Stakeholder Pension Plans
  • Hybrid Annuities
  • Annuity Purchase
  • Executive Pensions
  • Small Self Administered Schemes
  • Final Salary Schemes
  • Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)
  • Alternative Methods of Retirement Funding

Inheritance Tax Planning

At one time, Inheritance Tax was considered a tax on the wealthy. Times have changed and if your assets - including your house - total more than the Nil Rate Band your estate could be liable to tax of 40% of the excess, unless you have already undertaken planning.

Call us and take the first step to ensuring that your estate ends up in the hands of your intended beneficiaries rather than the taxman.

Life Assurance and Critical Illness Planning

Do you need life cover? Have you considered how your loved ones would manage if something were to happen to you and you didn't have life insurance? It has never been easier, or more cost-effective, to take out life cover.

If you do not already have a protection plan in place, you will be surprised at just how cost-effective it can be.

If you have an existing policy, find out if you can save on your premiums. You may even be able to increase your cover at no extra cost.

8:50 am on Saturday, 27th July, 2024

CALL US TODAY ON 01245 392 900