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Why Choose Independent Advice?

At the Broughton Wilkins Partnership, we concentrate on giving advice as opposed to selling products. Like any professional adviser, for example a solicitor or accountant, we charge for our advice. In preparing advice we work on an Independent basis, which means that we choose the correct solution for you based on all available products and providers and not a limited or restricted selection.

We give clients the choice of how they wish us to be paid. Some clients prefer to settle our fees directly - in these circumstances, we invoice on completion of the work carried out. Other clients prefer to have the fee taken from an investment or product. Where protection arrangements are advised upon, it is still possible to take a commission and where commission is received it can be used to reduce the clients fees. Alternatively, if you prefer to pay a fee directly, then the commission is reduced to “nil” which can reduce the premium payable on the product concerned.

Whatever option you choose we will discuss our charges with you at a free initial meeting, so that you can make an informed decision based on what you require.

Working this way is in everyone's best interests - it's fair, it's clear and our clients get the right advice.

3:32 pm on Saturday, 27th July, 2024

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